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Development Training

On this page A Bibliography of Development Training (1982-1996)

Index of online resources about Development Training

Competencies of Development Trainers

Updated Bibliography (2000 onwards)
On related pages A definition of Development Training

What is provided, experienced, gained?

"Development Training combines development (change and growth) with training (learning specific skills). Development Training accelerates learning and cultivates the habit of learning from life."

A Bibliography of Development Training

Acland, J. (1982) An Analysis of Development Training at Brathay Hall (unpublished research report) Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Allcock, R.S. (1988) Development Training: A Personal View, Endeavour Training, Birmingham

Beeby, J.M., and Rathborn, S. (1983) "Development Training - Using the Outdoors in Management Development" Management Education and Development 14 3, 170-181.

Bill C. and Greenaway R. (1989) The Competences of Development Trainers, The Training Agency, Manpower Services Commission ISBN 0 86392 300-3

Doughty, S. (1991) "Three Generations of Development Training" Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership 7 4, 7-9

Elkin, S. (Ed.) (1996) Development Training Beyond 2000, Conference Report, Brathay Hall Trust

Everard, K.B. (1987) Development Training - Progress and Prospects, Development Training Advisory Group

Everard, K.B. (1993) The History of Development Training published by the author, chair of DTAG (the Development Training Advisory Group) funded by DTAG and ICI

Greenaway, R. and Crowther, S. (1984) "Development Training" Bulletin Winter 1984, 9-12, Group Relations Training Association.

Greenaway, R. (1985) "The Mapping of Development Training as Distinctive Approach in Education and Training" (unpublished research report) Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Greenaway, R. (1986) "The Training and Development of Development Trainers" Research Project presented to the Manpower Services Commission for Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Holroyde, G. (1986) "Development Training" (The Chairman of the Governing Body of the Brathay Hall Trust proposed this definition at a meeting of the Developing Development Trainers Steering Group, Dunchurch).

Loynes, C. (1990) "Development Training in the United Kingdom" in Miles, J. and Priest, S. (Eds.) Adventure Education Venture Publishing Inc. PA.

Springett, N.R. (1987) "The Evaluation of Development Training Courses" M.Sc thesis (in occupational psychology) MRC/SSRC Social and Applied Psychology Unit

NOTES on the Bibliography of Development Training
• The above list only includes books and articles that have 'Development Training' in the title. You will find many closely related references in the bibliographies on this site.
• If you do know of any useful development training references (with or without 'development training' in the title) please send an email. ->
• If you want help in tracking down any of the above development training references, I may be able to help. Please ask ->


Index of Development Training resources

Competencies of Development Trainers

  • Greenaway R. (1986) The Training and Development of Development Trainers Research Project for the Manpower Services Commission, The Brathay Hall Trust
  • Bill C. and Greenaway R. (1989) The Competences of Development Trainers, The Training Agency, Manpower Services Commission ISBN 0 86392 300-3

  • The DEEP Initiative The Definition, Ethics and Exemplary Practices of Experiential Training and Development (DEEP ETD) Initiative is described as ''the first definitive piece of collective work to define experiential training and development, create a code of ethical conduct and articulate a set of exemplary practices.''
    Introduction to Version 6.2 March 18, 1999
    Practitioner Competencies (Section D)
    Comment: I have expressed my concern to the DEEP Initiative that ''reviewing skills'' are a little understated in just one 2 word competency: ''2.2.6 Debrief appropriately''.
  • Recommended Competencies for Outdoor Educators by Michelle Richardson and Deborah Simmons (1996) (ERIC digests)

Updated Bibliography (since 2000)

More recent research about "development training" is difficult to find because "development training" may not be in the title. The Brathay Academy and Brathay's Research Hub have been busy publishing research. Some examples are listed below. If you know of other (non-Brathay) sources of development training research please write to Roger Greenaway and I will extend this short list.

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Copyright © Roger Greenaway, Reviewing Skills Training, who promotes ACTIVE LEARNING via