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Reference Section of 'Why Adventure?'

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References A ~ J

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Abbot, C. (1987) Does Outdoor Education Really Work? Perks, Research and Reality in Adventure Education Summer 1987 4(2) pp22-25

Adams, R., Allard, S., Baldwin, J., and Thomas, J. (1981) A Measure of Diversion?, Leicester: National Youth Bureau

Adams, R. (1981) 'Pontefract Activity Centre', in: R. Adams et al. A Measure of Diversion?, Leicester: National Youth Bureau

AEE Directory and Handbook (1994), Association for Experiential Education, Boulder, Colorado.

Agyeman, J. (1990) 'Into the 1990's: quality and equality' Annual Review of Environmental Education No.3. (review of 1989)

Anderson, O. (1995) 'Physical Activity' in How to Keep Well, from the Editors of Peak Performance, © Stonehart Leisure Magazines

Andrews, D. and Keissling, J. (1980) 'Programme Structure and Effective Correctional Practices', in: R. Ross and P. Gendreau (Eds.), Effective Correctional Treatment, Toronto: Butterworth

Andrews, D.A., Zinger, I., Hoge, R.D., Bonta, J., Gendreau, P., and Cullen, F.T. (1990) 'Does correctional treatment work? A clinically relevant and psychologically informed meta-analysis', Criminology, 28, 369-404

Aspy and Roebuck (1977) Kids Don't Learn From the People They Don't Like, Human Resources Development Press, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Atherton, J. (1994) 'Outdoor pursuits courses and young offenders'. Unpublished MPhil dissertation, University of Cambridge

Bailey, G.A. (1990), The Perceived Benefits of Visiting and Outdoor Centre, unpublished M.Ed., University of Bristol, School of Education.

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Baldwin, J. and Williams, H. Active Learning: A Trainers' Guide

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Barrett, J. (1994) 'Introduction', in: J. Barrett (Ed.) Adventure-Based Interventions with Young People In Trouble and At Risk, Conference proceedings, Dumfries: Basecamp

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Basecamp (1992) 'Client evaluations: Carried out by the Holywood Trust, Autumn 1992', Unpublished evaluation report

Bates, G. (1993) 'The effectiveness of adventurous outdoor pursuits courses, as a medium for positive relationship building'. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Birmingham

Bavidge, A., Peggie, A., and Ford, L. (1994) 'Sierra Nevada Project Report'. Unpublished report, Northumbria Probation Service

Beck, A.T. (1972) Depression: causes and treatment, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania

Beck. A.T., Rush, A.G., Shaw, B.F., and Emery, G. (1979) Cognitive Therapy and Depression, New York: Guilford Press

Bell, D. (1994) 'The context for adventure-based work with young people in trouble and at risk', in: J. Barrett (Ed.) Adventure-Based Interventions With Young People In Trouble And At Risk, Conference proceedings, Dumfries: Basecamp

Berman, J.D. and Berman, D. (1994) Wilderness Therapy: Foundations, Theory and Research, Kendall Hunt.

Bettelheim, B. (1967) The Empty Fortress: Infantile autism and the birth of self, New York: Free Press

Blackburn, R. (1993) The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Chichester: John Wiley

Blocher, D. (1966) Developmental Counselling, The Ronald Press Co.

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Borstelmann, L. (1970) Psychological readiness for and change associated with the Outward Bound program: North Carolina Outward Bound School, Morganton, North Carolina: North Carolina Outward Bound School

Bottomley, A.K., and James, A.L. (1994) 'The Humberside Probation Service Sail Training Project: Final evaluation report for the Rank Foundation'. Unpublished report. Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Hull

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Brocklebank, S. (1993) 'Adventure and Recovery: Outward Bound USA Health Services Courses and their relevance to mental health' Unpublished report for the Churchill Trust Fellowship. Outward Bound Wales.

Brown, G. (1972?) 'Endeavour Training: An investigation into its effectiveness', Unpublished paper

Brundtland (1987) Our Common Future World Commission on Environment and Development, Oxford University Press.

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Bunting, C.J., LITTLE, M.J., TOLSON, H., JESSUP, G. (1986) 'Physical Fitness and Eustress in the Adventure Activities of Rock Climbing and Rappelling', The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 26(1), 11-20

Bunting, C. (1989) 'Experiences in the Wilderness: Opportunities for Health' in Wildland Recreation and Contemporary Society, 26(3) 9-13

Bunting, C. (1990) 'Interdependency: A Key In Environmental And Adventure Education' in Miles, J. and Priest S. (Eds) (1990) Adventure Education, Venture Publishing, Inc., Pennsylvania. pp.453-458.

Button, L. (1974) Developmental Group Work with Adolescents, Unibooks, Hodder and Stoughton

Caldwell, L.L. (1993) 'Research on adolescents and leisure activities', Parks and Recreation, 28(3), 19-25, 161

Campbell, H., (1994) 'Relevant adventures: Rooting programmes in the community', in: J. Barrett (Ed.) Adventure-Based Interventions With Young People In Trouble and At Risk, Dumfries: Basecamp

Carron, A.V. (1982) 'Process of Interaction in Sport Teams' in Quest, 33(2), 245-270

Cason, D. and Gillis, H.L. (1994) 'A meta-analysis of outdoor adventure programming with adolescents', Journal of Experiential Education 17(1), 40-47

Castellano, T.C., and Soderstrom, I.R. (1992) 'Therapeutic wilderness programs and juvenile recidivism: a program evaluation'. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 17, 19-46

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Cheesmond, J. and Yates, J. (1979) Education Outdoors: Dunfermline College of Physical Education Research Report on the Outdoor Education Programme in Lothian Region Secondary Schools 1978/79

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Coalter, F. (1988) Research Report No 2: Sport and Anti-Social Behaviour, Edinburgh: Scottish Sports Council

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Cooper, G. (1990) 'Linking outdoor and environmental education' in Annual Review of Environmental Education No.3. (review of 1989) (Cooper reviews the recent convergence between outdoor education and environmental education traditions)

Cooper, G. (1994a) 'The Value of Experiential Learning in Educating for Sustainability' Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Annual Conference, Prague.

Cooper, G. (1994b) 'The Role of Outdoor Education in Education for the 21st Century' in Environmental Education, 28 (Summer, 1994)

Coopersmith, S. (1967) The Antecedents of Self Esteem, San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman, Co.

Cornell, J.B. (1979) Sharing Nature with Children, Ananda Publications, California, then Exley Publications, Herts, UK.

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De Cauter (1989), [not translated] in Van Welzenis, I. (c.1992)

Dean, K. (1990) 'Personal and Social Development of Young People through Residential Outdoor Education: A Case Study', unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Liverpool.

Delamont, S. (1980) Sex Roles and the School, Methuen. (in Humberstone, 1984)

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Dobson, N. (1975) The Effect of Outdoor Pursuits on the Attitudes of a Group of Delinquent Adolescent Boys to Themselves, Their Families and Society, unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Leicester.

Donohue, E., and Todd, B. (1981) 'Tyn Y Pwll', in: R. Adams, S. Allard, J. Baldwin and J. Thomas A Measure of Diversion? Case Studies in IT, Slough: National Youth Bureau

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Durgin, C.H., and McEwen, D. (1991) 'Troubled young people after the adventure programme', Journal of Experiential Education, 14(1), 31-35

Dweck, C.S., and Elliot, E.S. (1984) 'Achievement motivation', in: M. Hetherington (Ed.) Social Development: Carmichaels Manual of Child Psychology, New York: Wiley

Eaves, M. (1983) 'Teaching Styles and Pupil Attitudes to PE in Secondary Schools' Unpublished MPhil, Nottingham University School of Education

Eaves, M. (1984) 'Effective Styles of Teaching in Outdoor Education' in The Journal of Adventure Education, 4(1), 8-11

Evans, J. and Clarke, G. (1988), 'Changing Face of PE' in J. Evans (ed.) Teachers, Teaching and Control in PE, Falmer Press. (in Humberstone, 1984)

Ewert, A. (1982) Outdoor Adventure and Self-Concept: a Research Analysis, Department of Leisure Studies and Services, University of Oregon

Ewert, A. (1987) "Research in Experiential Education: An Overview' The Journal of Experiential Education, Association for Experiential Education, Boulder, Colorado.

Ewert, A. (1987) 'Research in outdoor adventure: Overview and analysis', in: The Bradford Papers Annual, Vol. 2, Indiana University, Bloomington

Fairbridge (1994) Annual Review 1993, London: Fairbridge

Fairbridge (1995) Challenger: Fairbridge Magazine, Issue 12

Farrington, D.P. (1986) 'Age and crime', in: M. Tonry and N. Morris (Eds.), Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research (Vol. 7), Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Farrington, D.P. (1990) 'Implications of criminal career research for the prevention of offending', Journal of Adolescence, 13(2), 93-113

Farrington, D.P. (1994) 'Early developmental prevention of juvenile delinquency', RSA Journal, CXLII, (54), 22-34

Farrington, D.P. (1994b) 'Human development and criminal careers', in: Morgan, R., Reiner, R. and M. Maguire (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Fitts, W. (1970) 'Interpersonal competence: the wheel model', Counsellor Recording and Press Nashville, Tennessee

Fletcher, B. (1971) The Challenge of Outward Bound, London: Heinemann

Fyfe, K. (1990) 'Outdoor pursuits courses for young offenders and "at risk' youth'. Unpublished report, Wellington: New Zealand Department of Justice

Gaffney, L.R., and McFall, R.M. (1981) 'A comparison of social skills in delinquent and nondelinquent adolescent girls using a behavioral role-playing inventory', Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49, 959-967

Gahagan, J. (1991) 'Understanding other people; understanding self', in: J. Radford and E. Govier (Eds.) A Textbook of Psychology, 2nd Edition, London and New York: Routledge

Gardner, H. (193) Frames of Mind - The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, Heinemann. (in Cooper, 1994b)

Gass, M.A. (Ed.) (1993) Adventure Therapy: therapeutic applications of adventure programming in mental health settings Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall Hunt

Gass, M.A. (1993) Adventure Therapy: Therapeutic Applications of Adventure Programming, AEE, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

Gendreau, P., and Ross, R.R. (1987) 'Revivification of rehabilitation: Evidence from the 1980s', Justice Quarterly, 4, 463-489

Gibson, P.M. (1979) 'Therapeutic aspects of wilderness programs: A comprehensive literature review', Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Second Quarter, 21-33

Giges, B. and Rosenfeld, E. (1976: 87) in Rosenbaum, M. and Snadowsky, A. The Intensive Group Experience, The Free Press, Collier Macmillan.

Greenaway, R. and Bill, C. (1989) The Competencies of Development Trainers, MSC/Training Agency, Sheffield

Greenaway, R. (1986) The Training and Development of Development Trainers, research paper presented to the Manpower Services Commission, Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside.

Greenaway, R. (1987) 'The Competencies of Development Trainers', Unpublished report

Greenaway, R. (Ed.) (1988) Adventures in Youth Social Work: ITRC Ideas Exchange No.45.

Greenaway, R. (1990) More Than Activities, Save the Children Fund.

Greenaway, R. (1991) 'The Case for Activities' in Youth Social Work, 3 (Spring), National Youth Agency

Greenaway, R. (1992) What Works Well for Young People in Care? Advice Adventure Consultancy, Endeavour Scotland.

Greenaway, R. (1993) Playback: A Guide to Reviewing Activities, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in association with Endeavour Scotland.

Greenaway, R. (1995a) 'Powerful Learning Experiences in Management Learning and Development', thesis submitted for Ph.D., University of Lancaster.

Greenaway, R. (1995b) Reviewing Adventures, National Association of Outdoor Education (in press).

Greenwood, P.W., and Turner, S. (1987) The VisionQuest Program: An Evaluation, Santa Monica, CA.: The Rand Corporation

Greenwood, P.W. and Zimring, F.E. (1985) One More Chance: The Pursuit of Promising Intervention Strategies for Chronic Juvenile Offenders, Santa Monica, CA.: The Rand Corporation

Hagell, A., and Newburn, T. (1994) Persistent Young Offenders, London: Policy Studies Institute

Hamilton-Smith, E. (1990) 'Directions for recreation benefit measurement in Australia', Unpublished paper given to the Recreation Benefit Measurement Workshop, Melbourne

Handley, R. (1993) 'Opening the black box: Wilderness experience programs - how and why they work', Paper presented at the Third New South Wales Outdoor Education Conference, Illaroo Farm, Nowra

Hannam, P. (1991) 'Spirituality in a Material World', Young People Now, October, 1991, pp. 40-41.

Harding, J. (1994) 'Youth Crime: A relational perspective', in: J. Burnside and N. Baker (Eds.) Relational Justice - Repairing the Breach, Winchester: Waterside Press

Hargreaves, J. (1986) Sport, Power and Culture, Cambridge: Polity Press

Harland, J., Kinder, K and Hartley, K. (1995) Arts in Their View, A Study of Youth Participation in the Arts, National Foundation for Educational Research, Berkshire.

Harrison R. (1966) 'Cognitive Change in Participation in a Sensitivity Training Laboratory', Journal of Consulting Psychology, 3 (6), 517-520.

Harrison, C., Limb, M., Burgess, J. (1986) 'Recreation 2000: Views of the Country from the City' in Landscape Research 11(19-24)

Harrison, C., Limb, M., Burgess, J. (1987) 'Nature in the City - Popular Values for a Living World' Journal of Environmental Management, 25, Academic Press Ltd.

Hedin, D. (1980) "Evaluating Experiential Learning' Change 2-9. [Source: Kraft and Sakofs (Eds.) (undated) The Theory of Experiential Learning, Association for Experiential Learning, Boulder, Colorado]

Hendry, L. (1986) 'Young people, school and leisure: developing metacognitive skills?', in: L. Hayward and I. Henry (Eds.) Leisure and Youth Conference Papers No 17, Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association

Hendry, L., Shucksmith, J., Love, J.G., and Glendinning, A. (1993) Young People's Leisure and Lifestyles (Adolescence and Society), London: Routledge

Hendy, C. (1975) 'Outward Bound and personality: 16 PF profiles of instructors and ipsative changes in male and female students 16-19 years of age', Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon

Hills, A. (1980) 'Rapidly going uphill', Social Work Today, 12(2), 8-9

Hollin, C.R. (1990) Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions With Young Offenders, Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press

Hollin, C.R. (1992) Criminal Behaviour, London: Falmer Press

Hollin, C.R. (1993) 'Advances in the psychological treatment of delinquent behaviour', Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 3, 142-157

Home Office (1991) National Prison Survey: Main Findings, Home Office Research Study No. 28

Home Office (1994) Demanding Physical Activities for Offenders in the Community, Conference proceedings, Probation Service Division, Home Office, London

Hopkins, D. (1976) 'Self-Concept and Adventure', M.Ed. dissertation, University of Sheffield.

Hopkins, D. (1985) 'Self concept and adventure: The process of change', Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 2(1), 7-13

Hopkins, D. and Putnam, R. (1993) Personal Growth Through Adventure David Fulton Publishers, London.

Humberstone, B. (1987) 'Organisational Factors, Teachers Approach and Pupil Commitment in Outdoor Activities. A Case Study of Schooling and Gender in Outdoor Education', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southampton.

Humberstone, B. (1994) 'Gender and Outdoor Education' in Thomas, S. (Ed.) Outdoor Education Perspectives, University of Exeter pp81-95

Humberstone, B. (1995) 'Bringing Outdoor Education Into The Physical Education Agenda: Gender Identities and Social Change', Quest, 1995, 47, 144-157.

Hunt, J. and Hitchin, P. (1986), Creative Reviewing, Groundwork. Grange Over Sands.

Hunt, Lord, (Ed.), (1989) In Search of Adventure: A Study of Opportunities for Adventure and Challenge for Young People, Guildford: Talbot Adair Press

Hunt, Lord (Chair) 'Outdoor Adventure and Challenge for Youth' a paper prepared following a consultation at St. George's House, Windsor Castle.

Huskins, J. (1990) 'Whither Outdoor Education?' Keynote Address at the National Association for Outdoor Education Study Weekend, November 1990, since published in The Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, pp.29-32.

Huskins, J. (1991) 'Whither outdoor education?', Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 8(2), 29-32

Huskins, J. (1993) 'The Youth Service: A strategy for a crime diversion programme', Unpublished paper

Hyland, H., University of Ottowa (in Orlick, 1978: 6)

Inner London Probation Service (1981) 'Adventure activities: An evaluative study'. Unpublished report.

Iso-Ahola, S.E., and Croweley, E.D. (1991) 'Adolescent substance abuse and leisure boredom', Journal of Leisure Research, 23(3), 260-271

Johnson, D.W., Maruyama, G., Johnson, R., Nelson, D. & Skon, L. 'The Effects of co-operative, competitive and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis' Psychological Bulletin, 1981 (89) 47-62

Jones, R. (1979) Fun and Therapy: Consumer and Social Worker Perceptions of Intermediate Treatment, Leicester: National Youth Bureau

About 'Why Adventure?'  |  Chapter Summaries  |  References K ~ Z

This research review was published in 1995, and the Foundation for Outdoor Adventure has plans to update it.
Meanwhile, if you want to find more recent research in this field go to the
A-Z of Outdoor Learning Research or to: Peter Weinberg's Adventure Therapy Bibliography

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