and Debriefing Practices
THE OMD LINKS INDEXThis index highlights pages that are most relevant to 'Outdoor Management Development' - also known as 'Corporate Adventure Training' and 'Experience-Based Training and Development'. |
OMD INTRODUCTION | Some Questions and Answers about Outdoor Management Development (Corporate Adventure Training) |
REVIEWING SUCCESS | The value of learning from success and ways of doing so. This substantial practical section includes Questions for Success. |
ACTIVE REVIEWING | This article was presented at a management learning conference. It emphasises the value of bringing the worlds of talk and action closer together. The tools include Action Replay. |
POWERFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCES | Index to extracts from my PhD thesis about Outdoor Management Development - including the nine stories. |
REVIEW DISCUSSIONS | Techniques for improving the quality of discussions. Revolver provides a useful format for seeing both/more sides of an issue. |
FEEDBACK EXERCISES | Various feedback exercises are described. The Warm Seat (not the Hot Seat) can be particularly useful for aiding transfer of learning. |
EVALUATION METHODS | Several methods for improving end of course evaluation. |
TRAINING WORKSHOPS (examples from a larger menu) |
SIMULATION vs. STIMULATION | An article that compares indoor simulations of outdoor activities (such as Desert Survival) with outdoor simulations of indoor work-related activities. |
Donnison's OMD research pages |
Index to extracts from Phil Donnison's PhD. Images of Outdoor Management Development. A Synthesis of the Literature and Participants’ Experiences on Outdoor Courses. |
Neill's OMD research pages |
About Outdoor Adventure Training for Corporate & Management Development is a FAQ style introduction including an annotated list of research studies. |
Roger Greenaway's OMD research pages |
Index to extracts from my PhD thesis about Outdoor Management Development. |
Bill Krouwel's articles and books about OMD |
Outdoor Development - Addressing Multiple Intelligences
[at] Training Buyer, March 2000 Outdoor Management Development: A Critical Introduction for the Intelligent Practitioner reviewed by Roger Greenaway |
BOOKS FOR OUTDOOR TRAINERS | Reviews of books about outdoor training. This is one of the categories in Roger's Active Learning Bookshop |